Improve Patient Safety
The proven accuracy and reliability of Masimo SET pulse oximetry allows appropriate clinical intervention.
“Inaccurate, invalid and incorrect pulse oximetry consumes caregivers’ time when they are forced to care for the monitor and not the patient. Masimo SET pulse oximetry provides significantly less oximeter non-functional time than CPO and reduces the number of untrustworthy alarms and indicators.”
Charles G. Durbin
Prof. of Anesthesiology, University of Virginia
Clinical/Case Studies
パルスオキシメトリは本来、心不全/肺機能不全のリスクがある患者さんをモニタするために開発されたものですが、従来のパルスオキシメトリ(いわゆるCPO:conventional pulse oximetry)では、体動や低灌流のある重篤な患者さん1~3の測定ができませんでした。こうした高い障害とリスクを示している重篤な患者さんは、酸素飽和度や心拍数をしっかりとモニタすることが欠かせません。
- 誤警報が多すぎると臨床処置がおろそかになる、という研究結果が出ています。4正確で信頼性の高いマシモSETパルスオキシメトリを使用することで、医師の処置パターンは変化します。5
- マシモSETパルスオキシメトリは、それが最も必要とされる状況(体動・低灌流発生時)で患者さんの生体情報を正確に追跡することにより、患者ケアを改善し、さらには医療過誤を防止します。6~8
- 1 Poets CF, Urschitz MS, Bohnhorst B. Pulse oximetry in the neonatal Intensive care unit (NICU): detection of hyperoxemia and false alarm rates. Anesth Analg 2002; 94;S41-43.
- 2 Malviya S, Reynolds PI, Voepel-Lewis T. et al. False alarms and sensitivity of conventional pulse oximetry versus the Masimo SET technology in the pediatric postanesthesia care unit. Anesth Analg 2000; 90 (6): 1336-1339.
- 3 Moller JT, Johannessen NW, Espersen K. et al. Randomized evaluation of pulse oximetry in 20,802 patients II. Perioperative events and oostoperative complications. Anesthesiology 1993; 78(3): 445-53.
- 4 Lawless ST. Crying wolf: false alarms in a pediatric intensive care unit. Crit Care Med 1994;22(6): 981-5.
- 5 Durbin CG, Rostow SK. More reliable oximetry reduces the frequency of arterial blood gas analysis and hastens oxygen weaning following cardiac surgery; a prospective randomize trial of the clinical impact of a new technology. Crit Care Med 2002; 30(8): 1735-40.
- 6 Cox PN. New pulse oximetry sensors with low saturation accuracy claims; a clinical evaluation. Resp Care 2006; 51 (11): 1332.
- 7 Murthy TVSP, Goyal R, Singh VP. Masimo-a new reliable non invasive method of detecting oxygen saturation in critically ill. Indian J Anesth 2005:49(2): 133-136.
- 8 Baquero H, Alviz R, Sola A. Avoiding hyperoxemia during neonatal resuscitation: time to response to different SpO2 monitors. presented at the Eastern Society for Pediatric Research annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA 2007