Enhanced Process of Care
The proven accuracy and reliability of Masimo SET pulse oximetry reduces cost by shifting the focus of clinicians from managing equipment to managing patient care.
"The number of ABG's obtained and the time to wean to a low FiO2 was nearly half.
This change in practice reduces the costs of oxygen supply and delivery and the associated
risk of morbidity from excessive oxygen exposure."
Charles G. Durbin
Prof.of Anesthesiology, University of Virginia
救命救急の現場でマシモSETテクノロジを利用した場合に可能となる年間のコスト削減 | |
粘着式センサの消費節減1・5 | |
動脈血ガスの検査回数の低減2 | |
患者のO2必要量の軽減2・3 | |
入院期間の短縮3 | |
誤警報の減少4 |
We estimate a typical 250 bed hospital can save more than $300,000 annually using Masimo SET technology. To learn how your institution can lower its costs while improving patient care by converting to Masimo SET pulse oximetry, call 1-877-4-Masimo.