Improve Patient Care

The proven accuracy and reliability of Masimo SET pulse oximetry allows better clinical decision-making, leading to improved patient care.


  • マシモSETオキシメータのイベント検知精度は、「次世代」パルスオキシメータの約10倍です。1・2
  • マシモSETオキシメータの酸素欠乏の誤警報発生率は、「次世代」パルスオキシメータの10分の1です。1~4
  • 患者の生体情報を正確に追跡し、治療効果を向上させます。





"Were it not for the steady rise in SpO2 values, the resuscitative efforts for this baby would have been aborted. This newborn's life was likely saved by Masimo SET pulse oximetry."

Mitchell R.Goldstein,MD,FAAP,Neonatal Intensive Care,Vol.12 No.1,Jan/Feb 1998

Case Studies:

The Impact of Masimo SET Pulse Oximetry on the Reduction of ROP

Left Heart Hypoplasia: Baby Saved By Masimo SET Pulse Oximetry
Conventional Pulse Oximetry is Unreliable During Helicopter Transport
Erroneous SpO2 Values with Conventional Pulse Oximetry in Spite of Matched Heart and Pulse Rates could have Increased the Risk of ROP as well as Cost
Performance of Masimo SET Pulse Oximetry in a Child with Meningococcemia
  • 1 Hay WW, et al, Reliability of conventional and new oximetry in neonatal patients. Journal of Perinatology, 2002; 22:360-366
  • 2 Barker SJ, S. Morgan; Department of Anesthesiology, University of Arizona, Tuscon, USA. A Laboratory Comparison of the Newest “Motion Resistant” Pulse Oximeters During Motion and Hypoxemia. Anesthesia and Analgesea 2004; 98: (5S): S2
  • 3 Brouillette RT, et al, Anesthesia & Analgeisa 2002; 94:S47 S53
  • 4 Goldstein MR, et al, Anesthesia & Analgesia 2002; 94:S102