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The Value of Continuously-Trended Hemoglobin
Knowing the real-time status of your patients' hemoglobin may in some cases allow avoidance of unnecessary transfusions and in other cases allow earlier intervention.
- > Delayed and intermittent hemoglobin levels do not provide the same level of clinical decision-making data.
SpHb Measurements during Liver Transplant Surgery

Actual data from a liver transplant case shows the close accuracy and precision between Masimo SpHb and hemoglobin levels derived from intermittent CO-Oximeter analysis, illustrating how real-time hemoglobin data may facilitate more timely intervention.
"Masimo SpHb is an impressive new tool that could potentially help us to more safely guide patients in surgery through to recovery. With it, not only can we spot hemoglobin changes as they occur, but we can see where they are heading. This ability to identify an upward or downward hemoglobin trend on a second-by-second basis as it occurs could be of tremendous value."
Ronald Miller, MD, Chief of Anesthesia, Professor and Chairman of the Dept. of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care at the University of California, San Francisco, CA